Friday, March 7, 2008

Who the fcuk is going to pay?

Colleges tell us companies wont pay, companies tell us colleges wont pay. Sometimes colleges tell us they wont pay and something companies tell us they wont pay. Who the fuck is going to pay?

My father

p.s.: Defining your customer is one of the biggest challenges of a startup. The above thoughts were in my head till very recently and have currently been sorted out for good. My father can breathe easy.


Wanderer said...

Congratulations Happy! Getting the first paid customer, gives you X thousand rupees, the second.. Y thousand..

The satisfaction of knowing your model is finally ready.. priceless :)

Cheers! and good luck.

Akshay Surve said...


So who's paying finally?

Akshay Surve said...


So who's paying finally?

Abhishek Shah said...

yeah so who is paying !