Education System in India
There are 17000+ colleges in India from which 40 lakh students graduate every year. Though unemployability has been cited as one of the major problems another critical one has gone unnoticed. Everyone graduates at the same time of the year for jobs which are available at different times of the year. This creates a unique challenge for IT companies as they don't have the facilities or the projects to take them onboard at the same time. Hence staggered joining and “sudden unemployability” leads to wastage of thousands of months of manpower.
Solution: This is a problem which could be reduced easily if different universities operated their curriculum so as to allow at least 2 or 3 times within an year when students graduated (a practise prevalent in US)
Saving of time = Area of shaded region = 10 lakh man years and using 70 as the average age of humans = ~14285 human life spans _________________________________________
1. 40 lakh students graduate and everyone gets a job over an year
2. 20 lakh graduate at two points in year and get job within 6 months